Message Board
In Memory

Please take a moment to visit the "In Memory" section of our website as a tribute to those classmates we have lost. 

Carl Cashin
Wish I hadn't missed you!

It was SO great to see so many old friends after all these years. Yet when I got home I realized how many of you I never got around to saying hello to. My best to each of you, and to those that could not attend, make the next one as it was an amazing time thanks to the great work of Carl, Debbie and the entire committee. Rumor is we may try again in 5 years and maybe include another class or two. I'm game, even if Kohagen wants us to fly to Switzerland so he can stay near home next time!

Tim Grant

Tim Grant
55 Year Reunion

Re: President Grant's Challenge: Sgt-At-Arms Kohagen would be proud to host the 73-Year-Old 73ers in CH!!! :-)

Steven Kohagen
Hoping to make the 55!

This website has been an enjoyable "visit" .....made me wish I'd gone. I also hope to definitely make the next one.

Doreen Kirchner (Duff)
Sorry to have missed!

Sure wish I could have been there to see everyone! Glad to hear it went so well and was so much fun. Will look forward to the 55 year reunion!


Karen Winner Huff

Karen Huff
It was great to see so many of you

Thanks again to all of you who helped put the reunion together. It was fun seeing and talking with so many I have not seen for so long. To those who couldn't make it this time please come for the next reunion.

I know the photographer took many more pic's than what are posted. Will we see them soon?



Douglas Davis
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